Hello, my name is Blaine Hewitt. Now I know that you have stated previously that you have no intention of bringing support to the Oculus Quest. Which is completely understandable since I know that not only would you have to develop around a completely new Operating System but another CPU architecture and much much more I assume. But with the soon release of the Oculus Quest 2 and it's new XR 2 chip-set makes a pretty good argument for it. As this would allow for much easier use in education (as is what I am attempting to do with it). I think it will be even easier now to push updates with SideQuest <https://sidequestvr.com/> being relatively simple to setup. I know that another (Naome <https://blog.matryx.ai/nanome-on-quest-public-beta-is-now-available-b546321a04e9>) program is already available on the platform. But I do like your program a lot more since it is able to be used for free unlike Nanome Pricing <https://nanome.ai/pricing/> which is... as to say unappealing to public schools (such as mine). I was was also thinking (sorry if I am becoming annoying at this point) that if you do make a version of the Quest that you could make that GitHub branch available to the public. As for example while I may not be great at understanding complex protein structures I can help to make the whole experience more user friendly. Anyways if you read this far thank you for taking time from your day to read this. If you want to know who I am, my name is Blaine I am in my senior year of High School (Waynecsd <https://wh.waynecsd.org/>). I have to do a project by the end of the year where I have to present an area of study I want to pursue and I decided to research the effects of VR on the human's ability to learn and retain information. Budget..... None