Hi Daniel,

Clipped atom spheres cannot be capped.  Surfaces are capped by a computationally expensive calculation of the capped region.  While it is possible to do that with atom spheres and bond cylinders it would slow down moving clip planes so much and add so much code complexity, we are not likely to ever add that.


On Oct 27, 2023, at 12:50 AM, Daniel Larsson via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:

Is it possible to have atoms or bonds capped when they are truncated by a near clipping plane, similar to how surfaces can be capped. Currently, you can see the interior polygons when you clip the middle of a molecule. See the attached image for an example. I tried to search the mailing list and the documentations, but could not find anything.

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