Hi all,
In the interest of making ChimeraX’s core smaller and less likely to need frequent updating (since it can’t be updated incrementally via the ToolShed), we will be moving some modules out of the core and into bundles, so those at least will be individually updatable via the ToolShed.  Those core modules are atomic, map, surface, and ui.  As of tomorrow’s daily build, you can and should use the the new import paths for these modules (e.g. from chimera.atomic import Atom rather than from chimerax.core.atomic import Atom).  Old-style imports will continue to work for several months at least, at which time a warning will be raised if the import is still in use (but the import will work).  Probably several months after that we will disable the old-style imports.
One further note is that the MainToolWindow class can now be imported directly from the ui module, rather than from its gui submodule, so:

from chimerax.ui import MainToolWindow

is preferred over:

from chimerax.ui.gui import MainToolWindow


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab