Hi Attila,
We have had this problem reported by another Ubuntu user and so far have been unable to reproduce it.  I have a few questions:

1) Do these files open in regular Chimera?

2) Did you actually try opening downloaded mmCIF files, or only PDB files?  If not, could you try with a downloaded mmCIF file (and what happens)?

3) In a terminal window, what output do you get from the “locale” command?


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Feb 12, 2018, at 12:11 AM, Fekete Attila <fekete.attila@science.unideb.hu> wrote:

Dear Colleagues,

I have tried to open several local *.pdb files, but in each case I got the error: "Opened PDB data containing 0 atoms, 0 bonds and 0 coordinate sets", and a series of warnings (for each lines of the files) and ChimeraX doesn't show the structure.
I have also tried different versions of ChimeraX (0.1/0.5 and even alpha releases, recently I'm using 0.5 under Ubuntu 16.04).
I can open any online files (*pdb,*mmCIF) from the RCSB database, however if I download the same file, I got the above mentioned error message, so I have absolutely no clue to resolve the problem because I suppose this isn't related to pdb format issues but a bug can be somewhere in the softwere.

I am really impressed by the visualization capabilities of ChimeraX so please help me if you can.

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