Hi Daniel,

  In theory you should be open your MRC files as a series with ChimeraX command "open map*.mrc vseries true".  But the vseries option is currently broken as described in bug report


Probably Eric will fix that in a day or two.

  If you still prefer making the cmap file, ChimeraX is the only thing that writes those files, cmap stands for Chimera map, and I think you could run chimerax like "chimerax --nogui --exit --cmd "open maps*.mrc ; save map.cmap models #1-100" using the "--cmd" option described in the docs


to run a command (here two commands separated by semicolon) instead of starting the ChimeraX GUI.  Worked when I tried it.  The "100" can be larger than the number of models without causing any errors so you don't need to know exactly how many maps you are saving.


On Jul 15, 2020, at 12:14 PM, Daniel Asarnow <asarnow@msg.ucsf.edu> wrote:

Hi all,
I have only been able to load volume series data using the .cmap format (using a daily from this week on OS X). Is there a command-line utility, perhaps ChimeraX itself, that can generate a .cmap file from a number .mrc volumes? It would be nice to generate these on my processing machine and then only download the .cmaps to my laptop.

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