Hi David,

  Thanks for reporting the problem.  I have fixed ChimeraX AlphaFold prediction.  The fix was in the Google Colab script which ChimeraX downloads when run so it does not require updating ChimeraX.

  The problem arose because Google Colab updated its Nvidia CUDA library version from 11 to 12, and that required an update in a library called jax used to run AlphaFold jobs on the GPU, and the newer jax library introduced this bug.  I found the ColabFold developers had patched this bug and I used their patch.  ColabFold is an optimized version of AlphaFold that ChimeraX uses for predictions and I updated it to the current November 1, 2023 Colabfold code on github.


On Nov 8, 2023, at 7:41 AM, Margulies, David (NIH/NIAID) [E] via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:

Beginning yesterday, I have had repeated failure of alphafold2_multimer running through chimerax to generate models of two protein complexes (Ab H cand L chains, for instance). Individual chains work fine. The error from Colab AI says:

The error is due to a bug in the ColabFold library. The kabsch function in the colabfold.py file is using the linalg.svd function to calculate the singular value decomposition of a matrix. However, the linalg.svd function is not guaranteed to converge, and in some cases it can fail to converge. This can cause the kabsch function to fail, and in turn cause the plot_protein_backbone function to fail.

The bug has been fixed in the latest version of the ColabFold library, which is available on GitHub. To fix the error, you can upgrade to the latest version of the library. You can do this by running the following command in the Colab notebook:

!pip install colabfold --upgrade

Once you have upgraded to the latest version of the library, you can run the code again and the error should be fixed.

Can you advise? Thanks for your help.
David H. Margulies, MD, PhD
Chief, Molecular Biology Section
Laboratory of Immune System Biology
National Institute of Allergy and 
Infectious Diseases
National Institutes of Health
Bldg. 10; Room 11D12
10 Center Drive
Bethesda, MD 20892-1892
Ph: 301-496-6429
Fax: 301-480-7352
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