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Hi Katie,
On Mar 30, 2022, at 9:31 AM, Zeng, Katie via ChimeraX-users <> wrote:
Hi all,
I am currently working on a membrane builder bundle called AmberLipidBundle. I have folder './src/ui' (containing several .py files, e.g. and I import it inside .py files with the line 'from AmberLipidBundle.ui.lipid_form import xxx'.
I have been testing the bundle using the command 'devel build [path]' and everything works fine. But when I switch to the command 'devel install [path]', I get an error:
chimerax.core.toolshed.ToolshedError: start_tool() failed for tool Membrane Builder in bundle AmberLipidBundle:
No module named 'AmberLipidBundle.ui'
Do you have any idea how to fix this? Thank you so much for your help!_______________________________________________
Best Regards,Katie
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