Hi Daniel,

ChimeraX uses the Qt window toolkit and Qt uses a native color chooser dialog on Windows, Mac and Linux.  Your looks super minimal -- Linux I bet.  Here is what the Mac one looks like.  Actually there are 5 different tabs on Mac color chooser so you can choose colors in lots of ways.  Windows also has a pretty complex color chooser.  The dialog starts at the current color when I click the volume viewer or model panel color buttons.  I am not sure how you are showing the color chooser -- maybe some other way of showing it does not show the current color.  Or maybe the Linux color chooser simply doesn't support the Qt option where you tell it the current color.


On Nov 30, 2020, at 11:35 AM, Daniel Asarnow <asarnow@msg.ucsf.edu> wrote:

I noticed in a recent ChimeraX build the color picker has been simplified:

It seems we can still set the alpha channel within the "custom" color dialog, but the default color there is some shade of red regardless of the currently selected color. Could the custom dialog start at the current color by default? Setting the alpha channel via the picker is the fewest number of clicks, and starting at the current color will make slight adjustments much easier as well.

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