I don't understand, my .pdb file seems perfectly fine, but I keep getting this error:

Ignored bad PDB record found on line 1
ATOM 1 N ASN A 1 61.433 13.168 52.787 1.00 69.56 N

Ignored bad PDB record found on line 2
ATOM 2 CA ASN A 1 62.543 13.695 51.962 1.00 69.56 C

Ignored bad PDB record found on line 3
ATOM 3 C ASN A 1 61.990 14.337 50.735 1.00 69.56 C

Ignored bad PDB record found on line 4
ATOM 4 O ASN A 1 60.999 13.878 50.167 1.00 69.56 O

Ignored bad PDB record found on line 5
ATOM 5 CB ASN A 1 63.479 12.547 51.555 1.00 69.56 C

2610 messages similar to the above omitted

I can open it in Chimera, PyMol, VMD, among others. But in ChimeraX is always the same error. I'm working on Linux (Ubuntu 14.04) with ChimeraX version 0.5 (2018-01-24).

Any help?

Thanks in advance,
Mauricio M Rigo, Ph.D