Dear ChimeraX users,

I am currently using the homeoffice time to finally get into ChimeraX, coming from Chimera.

I just discovered "mousemode" and am trying to set up the controls to my liking. My goal is to make the fitting process of models and volumes into cryo-EM maps as smooth as possible.

Currently, I use the following commands which are entered in the "execute these commands at startup" option in the settings => Is this the best way to permanently change the key-mapping? I could not find an .ini file, yet.

mousemode shift leftMode 'translate selected models'

mousemode shift middleMode 'rotate selected models'

mousemode rightMode zoom

mousemode shift wheel contour

mousemode setting contour speed 0.1

My idea is to have the following set up:

left mouse - turn all models (default) middle mouse - translate xy (default) right mouse - zoom shift left mouse - turn selected model shift middle mouse - translate xy selected model shift right mouse - translate z selected model scroll wheel - contour volume

control right mouse - set pivot on selected model

Turning and translating the models works well, also while holding shift for the selected model.

As a side note, 'translate selected models' rotates the selected models in place whereas 'rotate selected models' translates in xy, is this intentional?

=> I would like to move the selected model in the z direction with the right mouse button while holding shift, is there an option for "translate z" ?

=> I am often re-setting the pivot point, therefore I would like to bind this function ("Set Pivot") to the mouse as well, does this option exist? I tried "pivot" but it did not work for cryo-EM volumes.

Many thanks for reading,
