Hi Wing,

Perhaps you are using Microsoft OneDrive which changes your ~/Desktop folder to be the public desktop which is not writable.  We have looked at this problem and have not yet come up with a good solution where ChimeraX can detect that OneDrive is in use and then find your real Desktop folder which OneDrive put somewhere else.  We hope to solve this one day.  Here is our ChimeraX bug report for that



On Feb 26, 2022, at 9:01 AM, 翼翱 张 via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:

Hi Sir/Madam,
When I press the button ‘save snap shot to desk’, it shows ‘Permission denied writing file C:\Users\zhang\Desktop\image1.png.
how should I open the permission? Please help me.
Looking forward to your reply.
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