I'm adding this for completeness, but this is not a practical solution:

There is a way of getting ChimeraX 1.4 to run on CentOS 7 that we do NOT support.  There are two steps required: (1) you have to update the kernel to a newer version.  That can be done with the elrepo-kernel repository.  And (2) you need a newer versions of various system libraries.  That can be done with by using a CentOS/RHEL 8 or 9 singularity container that has the same graphics driver as the CentOS 7 system and has the corresponding ChimeraX rpm installed.

So, unless it is your personal computer, that you could update to CentOS/RHEL 8 or 9 anyway, it is extremely unlikely that the system administrators will be willing to change to an unsupported kernel.  But just in case, an example singularity definition file is attached.  I was testing in a virtual machine using VMware Workstation, which is why the VMware graphics driver is installed.  Once you have the singularity container, I'd recommend making a chimerax alias.  For example:

    alias chimerax="singularity run /PATH/chimerax.el8.sil"

So there you have it.  It is technically possible,  And don't forgot to regularly regenerate the singularity container to pick up security fixes.

    -- Greg

On 6/16/2022 4:32 AM, Ricardo Righetto via ChimeraX-users wrote:
Dear Tristan, dear Tom,

Thank you very much for the answers, I can totally understand the situation. Hopefully we can upgrade the distro on our cluster soon, until then we stick to 1.3 there.

Best wishes,

Ricardo Diogo Righetto

Em qua., 15 de jun. de 2022 às 18:53, Tom Goddard <goddard@sonic.net> escreveu:
Tristan is right.  ChimeraX is not available for CentOS 7 or Ubuntu 16 or 18 because the Qt 6 window toolkit does not support those old Linux operating systems and ChimeraX 1.4 uses Qt 6.  So ChimeraX 1.3 is the last release that can be used with those operating systems.

Greg Couch on the ChimeraX developer team tried compiling Qt 6 for CentOS 7, and tried making a Docker image, a Singularity image, and a Flatpak.  None of these worked.  Because the Qt window toolkit is a much bigger package than the entire ChimeraX project we don't have the programmers to make Qt work on old Linux versions if the Qt Company chooses not to support old Linux.


On Jun 15, 2022, at 8:22 AM, Tristan Croll via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:

Sadly, this is going to become a theme for virtually all scientific packages using (Py)Qt for their GUI. The Qt company have decided to stop supporting the free version of Qt5, pushing all developers other than those who can afford the license fees on to Qt6 (which does not run in CentOS 7). It's a real pain, but that's just the way things are.

-- Tristan

From: ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users-bounces@cgl.ucsf.edu> on behalf of Ricardo Righetto via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Sent: 15 June 2022 15:58
To: chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu>
Subject: [chimerax-users] Version 1.4 for CentOS 7?

First, apologies if this has already been announced elsewhere.
I see on the download webpage that there is no production release for CentOS 7 and the latest daily release for this platform was built on 2022-05-06. Any chance we could get a production release of 1.4 and/or a newer daily build for CentOS 7?

Thank you very much!

Best wishes,

Ricardo Diogo Righetto
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