
Thanks a lot for the awesome tool !

I have a question about how to use some commands that are not yet included in the python API : for instance "measure volume".
I can run it using a cxc with : /usr/bin/chimerax --script measure.cxc --nogui --exit
Where measure.cxc contains looks like :
open test.mrc
volume #1 level 0.42
measure volume #1

I don't understand how to do the same with a python script. Is there some way to use chimerax.tools(measure area/volume) to get this tool to work from within a python script ?

My use case is that I am running this measurement for different thresholds, and I would like those thresholds to depend on the value of previous thresholds, hence I need looping. For now, I am calling subprocess on the .cxc command above from a python script, but this means that I need to load the mrc every time...

Thanks in advance for your help !
