Hi Alexis,

  Ok.  This is a bit twisted.  When you make shift right click do rotate selected atoms

    mousemode shift right "rotate selected atoms" 

then you find it does translation instead.  Yep.  That is what the rotate selected atoms mode does when the shift key is held, it translates.  If you let go of the shift key but hold the right button pressed then it will rotate.  Or you could instead assign shift right to translate

    mousemode shift right "translate selected atoms" 

and perversely it will instead rotate because the shift key is held down which makes the translate mode instead rotate.

  The lesson is, don't bind these modes with shift key modifiers unless you enjoy contortions.  The desperate need for modifier keys to allow more than 3 mouse modes (left, middle, right) creates lots of pitfalls.


On Nov 9, 2023, at 3:48 PM, Alexis Rohou via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:

Thanks both!

Indeed, right-click hold then shift does rotate the selected atoms. I hadn't appreciated that pressing shift before or after the click led to different outcomes. Thank you - problem solved.

On the other strategy...
I just tried again and doing 
ui mousemode shift right "rotate selected atoms" 
does not work as I expect, in that if I hold shift first, then right click and drag, the selected atoms are shifted, not rotated. 
If I right click and then press shift, I do get rotation, as expected based on what I learned today.

Tom - I don't know what the difference could be between what you are doing and what I'm doing. Are you definitely pressing the shift key before right-clicking? Just to give more info, here's the output of mousemode:
control left: select
control,shift left: select add
control,alt left: select subtract
left: rotate
middle: translate
control middle: mode name
alt right: rotate selected atoms
right: translate selected atoms
shift right: rotate selected atoms
wheel: zoom
shift wheel: mode name
control wheel: mode name
alt wheel: mode name
pause: identify object
Available modes: select, select add, select subtract, select toggle, rotate, rotate and select, rotate selected models, rotate z selected models, rotate selected atoms, rotate independent, translate, translate selected models, translate xy selected models, move picked models, translate selected atoms, zoom, clip, clip rotate, identify object, pivot, swipe as scroll, none, zone, pick blobs, swapaa, play coordinates, next docked, contour level, move planes, crop volume, windowing, rotate slab, label, move label, distance, bond rotation, tape measure, tug, minimize, play map series, mark maximum, mark plane, mark surface, mark center, mark point, link markers, move markers, resize markers, delete markers, map eraser, isolde tug atom, isolde tug residue, isolde tug selection

On Thu, Nov 9, 2023 at 2:59 PM Tom Goddard <goddard@sonic.net> wrote:
Hi Alexis,

Tristan is right.  When you press a mouse button it looks at which modifier keys are held down when the button is pressed and that is how it chooses the mode.  ISOLDE assigns zoom to shift right mouse button.  Without ISOLDE there is nothing assigned to shift right mouse button so it uses whatever mode the right mouse button is assigned to, translate selected atoms in your case.  Then the translate selected models mode can choose to do different things based on what modifier keys are held down (shift, ctrl, alt).  So if you press the right button without the shift key, then press the shift key it will allow the translate selected atoms mode to rotate the selected atoms.

Your idea to explicitly assign shift right to rotate selected atoms

ui mousemode right "translate selected atoms"
ui mousemode shift right "rotate selected atoms"

should work.  And when I try it on Mac ChimeraX 1.6 with ISOLDE working it does work with Mac trackpad and Mac mouse -- shift right press does rotate (as does right press shift).  So I'm not sure why it didn't work for you.


> On Nov 9, 2023, at 1:13 PM, Alexis Rohou via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:
> Hi there,
> Wondering if anyone else gets this behavior:
> When ISOLDE is running, setting the right mouse click to translate selected atoms does NOT associate shift-right-click with rotating selected atoms; instead, shift-right click does a zoom.
> In addition, if I try to force it by issuing the two commands below, the shift right click still isn't a rotate selected atom; instead, it does a translate selected atoms.
> ui mousemode right "translate selected atoms"
> ui mousemode shift right "rotate selected atoms"
> My workaround is to use alt-right for rotating instead. That does work:
> ui mousemode right "translate selected atoms"
> ui mousemode alt right "rotate selected atoms"
> This is with ChimeraX 1.6.1, but I'm pretty sure I noticed this behavior in earlier versions also.
> Tristan recently posted a screen capture where it's clear he doesn't have this problem, but he's on Windows and I'm on Mac, so I wonder whether that might have something to do with it.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Alexis
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