Hi Joel,

  Currently an atomic structure in ChimeraX has one setting for whether tube helices are shown, so it applies to all helices in the structure.  The docs for the "cartoon style" command suggest this but could say it more directly


Of course you can get your way with more trouble by opening two copies of the structure and shown the one tube helix using one copy, and the normal ribbon for the other copy with the helix that is a tube not displayed.

  The reason we don't give tube style control over each helix is it complicates the code and we already have vastly more features we would like in ChimeraX than we have time to work on.


On Apr 23, 2020, at 9:59 AM, Joel Meyerson <jrm2008@med.cornell.edu> wrote:

I would like to display a model as a ribbon, but then specify a single helix to show as a tube. So far I’ve only been able to show the model either entirely as a ribbon, or entirely as tubes. Is there syntax I can use to blend the two helix styles?
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