
Is there (or likely to be in future) a 2d image feature, allowing you to overlay 2d graphics (.tif, .png) in the same way as the 2dlabel command (e.g. Xpos Ypos )? My use case is wanting to add additional 2d graphics (e.g. color bar or graphs) over a pdb structure prior to rendering images/generating movies.


Whilst I can get ChimeraX to open the images easily e.g. (open “…test.tif”), they are acquiring edges (white background image on white background scene -> grey borders) I assume as a result of being interpreted as a 3d object. Otherwise loving the software!

Thanks a lot,



Using ChimeraX build v0.5 (2018-01-12)


Dr Edward Emmott

Research Associate

Slavov Lab

Northeastern University

332 Mugar, 360 Huntington Ave.

Boston, MA.