Hi Oli,

  Are you talking about both two character keyboard shortcuts and Toolbar icons, or just Toolbar icons?  Currently adding either of those requires writing some Python code.  But it would be nice if you could define new toolbar buttons that run a specified command using just a command.  Maybe a command like

toolbar button VV "tool show 'Volume Viewer'"

would make an icon where the button shows VV and runs the command to show the Volume Viewer panel or raising it to the top of the windows if needed.

  There is an obscure ChimeraX command to create a panel of buttons where each button runs a ChimeraX command of your choosing.


For example, these commands make a panel with 3 buttons to show Volume Viewer, Models or Log panels.

buttonpanel Shortcuts rows 1 columns 3
buttonpanel Shortcuts add VV command "tool show 'Volume Viewer'"
buttonpanel Shortcuts add MP command "tool show Models"
buttonpanel Shortcuts add LG command "tool show Log"

Here's what it looks like (upper right corner of image)

You could put the commands to create the shortcuts in a shortcuts.cxc and automatically open that at startup with the "Execute these commands at startup" preference setting.

I think directly adding toolbar buttons with a command would be a better approach.


On Aug 23, 2023, at 6:49 AM, Oliver Clarke via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:


I love the ability to customize the home tab of the toolbar, but there are some other things that I would like to add there and I don’t see how.

Is there any way to add shortcuts/icons for the model panel, the log and the volume viewer?

The use case is that I prefer to keep all panels undocked, in order to maximize screen real estate when working on a laptop - having shortcuts to bring these up would be convenient.

It would also be great to have a shortcut for either a specific alias, or a dropdown menu of aliases, for custom lighting/visualization modes defined in the startup commands.

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