I am trying to color the surface of my model according to sequence conservation. I opened the MSA, associated the proper sequence with the chain I wish to color, and then used the command "color byattr seq_conservation". But this results in the colors not blending at the surface, which is not very pleasant looking. Is there a way to make the transitions between adjacent colors smoother, similar to when we color the surface, for e.g., by electrostatic potential? In legacy chimera I used to follow the "Structure... Render by Conservation" in the Multalign Viewer and then choose the attribute mavConservation, which used to do the trick
Thanks in advance!
Pedro Bule

| | Pedro Bule Assistant Professor |
| GLYCOBIOLOGY AND STRUCTURAL ENZYMOLOGY LAB P: (+351) 21 365 28 84 // 431379 | pedrobule@fmv.ulisboa.pt
| Centro de Investigação Interdisciplinar em Sanidade Animal Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária Av. Universidade Técnica | 1300-477 Lisboa | PORTUGAL |