Hi Dobromir,

  Did you try the "Generic Linux" ChimeraX distribution which is a *.tar.gz file on the download page?  It is supposed to have all dependencies.


On Dec 19, 2022, at 5:52 AM, Добромир Калчевски via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:


I have installed Chimera linux from binary and everything was OK from the get-go. ChimeraX however, fails to start for library dependencies. As I understand the source depends on around 50 packages. I don't know (and I can find no indication on internet) how many libraries am I missing, but I'm also kind of limited in terms of disk space / linux size and my distro does not have a very nice package manager - Clear Linux (it installs entire bundles of similar packages, instead of single packages and once removed the disk size does not go down). Is it possible to make a ChimeraX linux binary which is as easy to run as the Chimera linux binary - universal for all distributions and including all necessary dependencies ?

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