Hi Josh,

  I made a ChimeraX feature request to add a molmap option to allow you to specify the grid size.


May be able to add that in a week or two when I am back from vacation.


On Feb 21, 2023, at 1:14 PM, Joshua Denson via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:

I’m trying to take an alpha fold model of my complex, generate a low resolution map of the model using molmap, and then use it for 2D template generation in CryoSparc. I am able to generate the low resolution map just fine, but the resulting map is in a rectangular volume (48x64x51) and I need it to be a cubic volume for CryoSparc to accept it. Ideally it would have dimensions of 64x64x64.
Is there a way to generate a low resolution map in a cell with specific dimensions while maintaining the protein complex dimensions? (eg. I don’t want to simply scale it into a cube)
I am using ChimeraX 1.5.
Best Josh
Joshua M. Denson
PhD Candidate (Johnson Group)
Dept. of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Utah State University
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