Hi Lenye,
When you say "molecules", do you actually mean "models", i.e. the file creates multiple models in ChimeraX?  Are there MODEL/ENDMDL records in the file?  Is there and END record (not ENDMDL record) that's not at the end of the file?
Yes, sending the PDB would be helpful...


Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab

On Jan 28, 2023, at 1:27 PM, Lenye Dlamini via ChimeraX-users <chimerax-users@cgl.ucsf.edu> wrote:


I have a homo-oligomeric model that I've refined using phenix and the ISOLDE tool in ChimeraX that's read during deposition as 2 separate molecules, a larger 14mer and a smaller tetramer. 
It's read as one molecule in Coot, Chimera and Pymol but read as two distinct molecules in ChimeraX  exactly like the deposition. I found this curious and thought that perhaps you might have some idea of what's wrong with the file.
There is nothing that appears obviously incorrect to me in the text of the .pdb file, all TER cards follow the chains and all amino acids and their identifiers are in sequence and correct.

I'd appreciate any ideas you may have and I'm happy to send the file to you if you prefer.

Thank you,
Kind regards,
Lenye Dlamini
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