Hi, Stéphane,

 The pixel size is just a value in the header of the MRC file, and you can change it with Relion:

relion_image_handler --i input.mrc --o output.mrc --force_header_angpix [new_value]

Best wishes,
Vadim Kotov
Postdoctoral fellow, Löw group
EMBL Hamburg

On 17.06.21 10:07, Stéphane ROCHE via ChimeraX-users wrote:

Dear Mr/Mrs,


I am new to ChimeraX (v 0.7) and I have a trouble when saving a map.


I am working with a .ccp4 map from an electron microscopy project. I would like to slightly change the pixel size that was inaccurately estimated during data processing and chimeraX seems to be the program for doing that.

-          Opening the map is fine.

-          Then I change the pixel voxelsize which is also fine.

-          I then save the modified map (I use the .mrc format here given that I do not find a .ccp4 format).

-          However if I then use the map with my usual softwares (phenix, coot) it looks like pure noise. But the map looks normal with some other softwares (e.g. pymol). I also have no problem usually with my .mrc maps with any software so I would assume the problem is with the .mrc map I created


Do you know what I could do to solve this problem ?



Stephane Roche

Institut de Biologie Intégrative de la Cellule

91198 Gif sur Yvette


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