Hi Oliver,

  I see — when you click into the graphics pane and type a letter or number in Chimera 1, the command entry field takes the focus (you see it outlined) and the up arrow and down arrow keys traverse the command history.  But in ChimeraX the command entry field does not take the focus, and up and down arrow promote the selection.  I’m not sure which behavior is better, but I’ve made a ticket to possibly change ChimeraX to behave like Chimera.



On Jun 2, 2017, at 12:53 PM, Oliver Clarke <olibclarke@gmail.com> wrote:

Ah yes - sorry Tom I misspoke - I was actually thinking specifically of the scenario where a residue is *not* selected. E.g. You are turning the model using the mouse, and you want to type a command altering display parameters - e.g. clipping and such.

 In this case, typing works fine in both chimera and chimeraX, but scrolling through the history using up or shift-up only works in chimera - in chimeraX you need to click on the command line such that a text cursor is visible.


On Jun 2, 2017, at 9:03 PM, Tom Goddard <goddard@sonic.net> wrote:

In Chimera or ChimeraX if you select a residue in the graphics window, you can then directly type a command.  But if you press the up arrow or down arrow key it extends the selection to the whole helix or strand or turn, or demotes the selection — it does not allow you to traverse previous commands in the command-line.  I just tested on Mac and it works that way on both.

But maybe you mean you have clicked into some other ChimeraX panel, not the graphics window and then up / down arrows don’t traverse the command-line history or promote selection, although commands can be typed.    For instance clicking into the ChimeraX log I suspect up/down arrow actually do something in that html panel, but I’m not sure what.  In Chimera, clicking into the reply log blocks not only up/down arrow but all keys from going to the command line.  So I don’t understand your case.  But I believe the Qt window toolkit sometimes has default up/down arrow bindings on the panel you are clicked into that might not make sense.   Explain your exact case and send it to chimerax-bugs@cgl.ucsf.edu — probably better than the user mailing list.


On Jun 2, 2017, at 12:33 AM, Oliver Clarke <olibclarke@gmail.com> wrote:


The ChimeraX command line, similar to Chimera, is active no matter where the mouse cursor is positioned. So I can have a residue selected, and start typing a command directly - so far so good.

However, in Chimera, once I start typing, I can then page through the command history, using the up arrow or shift-up to filter by substring.

In ChimeraX, this doesn’t work - the command line receives text input, but in order to then page through the history, I need to actively click on the command line entry bar to activate it - it  would be good if this behavior was altered to that of regular chimera.

Apologies for the vague description, hope that made sense!


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