Hi Jean-Francois, There is not yet a command specifically to move per-model clip planes. But you can do it using the "savepos" and "reset" commands. These save and restore the positions of all models and the per-model clip plane positions (Chimera 1.2352 and newer). For example, you can save an initial position with command savepos p1 then move a per-model clip plane with the mouse to a new position and save that savepos p2 then to smoothly go from position p1 to p2 over 100 frames use reset p1 reset p2 100 The named positions are saved in Chimera session files. Saving of per-model clip positions when you use savepos was added very recently (March 1, 2007) so you need Chimera snapshot version 1.2352 or newer. Formerly just the model orientations were remembered. Tom jean-francois menetret wrote:
Hi Thomas,
is it possible to move the per-model clipping plane using a movie-related command ?