I got a problem using openModel.add to add a model into a specified
Python 2.2.3 (#1, Oct 29 2003, 07:35:58)
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import chimera
>>> m=chimera.Molecule()
>>> chimera.openModels.add([m], baseId=0, subid=0 )
up till here it worked nicely...
>>> m=chimera.Molecule()
>>> chimera.openModels.add([m], baseId=0, subid=1 )
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<pyshell#4>", line 1, in ?
chimera.openModels.add([m], baseId=0, subid=1 )
File "/usr/local/chimera/chimera-1.1872/share/chimera/__init__.py", line
769, in add
shareXform, hidden, skipViewAll)
error: unopen model
adding a second, third... molecule/model to a slot gives an error-message
(see above)
- no new entry will show up in the model-viewer, but...
>>> m=chimera.Molecule()
the next created Model will be shown in the model-viewer without even
being added.
It would be nice if you could tell me something about the
shareXform-parameter of the add-command too.
Thanks a lot for your help,