I am a new user of chimera and I already have a question.
I have an protonated aspartic acid in my protein and I was wondering,
is it possible to add hydrogen atom to aspartic acid with chimera?
This is actually applicable to any Python code, but is especially
relevant to extensions that save data in Chimera sessions: the
Python bytecode compiler has a limitation of a maximum of a 16 bit
offset in a jump instruction. This means that you don't want to have
64K worth of characters in a single conditional block of code (i.e.
if/else, loops, try/except). Otherwise you will get the somewhat
SystemError: com_backpatch: offset too large
So if you have data structures that may be potentially large when
written to a session file, try to place their definitions in the
session file outside of conditional blocks.
Eric Pettersen
UCSF Computer Graphics Lab