Hello all!
I'm looking to the scripts (
http://plato.cgl.ucsf.edu/trac/chimera/attachment/wiki/Scripts/) and can
not see a simple example of how to open a PDB.
What I need to my extension is to save a PDB relative to a map and then
open it to the model panel.
Copying it to the model panel does not make sense to me because I need to
fix the positions of the moved PDB relative to the map.
Could it be something like this?
* # Get opened molecule (the one selected in the menu)*
* m = self.object_menu.getvalue()*
* # Make copy using the copy_molecule native functionality from
* from Molecule import copy_molecule*
* mc = copy_molecule(m)*
* # Set copy name*
* mc.name <http://mc.name> = m.name.split('.')[0] + '_' +
self.chosen_solution + '.pdb'*
* copy_path = self.cwd + mc.name <http://mc.name>*
* from Midas import open, write*
* write(mc, self.map_menu.volume(), self.cwd)*
* open(self.cwd)*
Thank you in advance!