To whom it may concern,
I want to write a python script to open a pdb file, then load a .xplor file
in as well. After one rotation which I also want to do via the script I
want to export the output file as a .png file.
Could you provide any advice to me on how to write such a script? I am
having troubles loading any python script into ChimeraX. Eventually I want
to use this script to batch wise output structures including guest
adsorption where the guest species is introduced via the .xplor from
previous analysis and the structure is provided by a .pdb file. I really
would need some advice/tutorial at this stage so I would be more than happy
to hear back from you.
Many thanks and kind regards,
*Jan Hofmann, M.Sc.*
*PhD Student, Department of Chemistry*
*Chapman Group*
Stony Brook University
*jan.hofmann(a) <andrew.nicoll(a)>*
Office: Room 563, Chemistry