Dear Chimera developers,
We are developing an extension that renders vrml models using BILD commands. For the moment the vrml models have a name that shows up on Models Panel, but when the mouse is placed on top of them only the number of model is displayed (like '#11').
We would like to add to the models a popup balloon with customized information, in a similar way as information if shown for classical chimera objects (atoms, bonds...).
Could you guide us on how to approach it?
I will use this e-mail also to let you know that the link to chimera's source code (https://plato.cgl.ucsf.edu/trac/chimera/browser/trunk) found in this page https://www.cgl.ucsf.edu/chimera/docs/sourcecode.html returns a 404 error. Is there an alternative way to check it out?
Thank you for your help,