My name is Jeremy and I work at the University of Missouri—Kansas City School of Medicine. To cut to the chase, we’re doing R&D work with Microsoft HoloLens as it applies to medicine in both macroscopic (telemedicine) and molecular (pharmaceutical compound visualization and manipulation) applications.
I’ve been using Chimera for some time in my academic explorations and wanted to contact you all to start a conversation about how we might collaborate to make molecular manipulation in 3D a reality. I’m imagining importing a protein and coloring areas of polarity and hydrophobicity, real-time, as the protein floats in the space of a classroom, as the proof of concept. Let me know if this is something you all would be interested in working together on.
Jeremy Provance<https://twitter.com/jeremyprovance> | Software Analyst, Center for Health Insights<http://chi.umkc.edu>
2411 Holmes Street, Kansas City, MO 64108 | MG-204A
(816) 235-1938 | provancej(a)umkc.edu<mailto:provancej@umkc.edu>